An innovator of the lost science of yoga in the modern times, God incarnated Ram Lal Prabhu ji was born in 1888, in Punjab (Amritsar). His celestial birth was predicted thousands of year back by MAHARISHI KAKABHUSHANDI.
"He would reach the highest peak in the yog Vidya"
"He would be the most evolved soul endowed with 'Ashtanga yog siddhis’ "
"He would be able to dwell with yogic power on earth, water and in air."
He shed away is corporeal frame in the year 1938.
His divine mission of healing through meditation and yoga therapy slowly and steadily served as a panacea for the ills of mankind from the physical, mental and spiritual stand point.
He innovated a set of yoga exercises called "JEEWAN TATVA (KATA KAPLA)” which can be practiced by young ones, even by old and infirm.
The JEEWAN TATVA Yoga as a preamble lays emphasis on 7 basic postures with physical stretches and Pranic stress with breath regulation.
The practice of this package of 'soft and simple yoga' for a short period of time on just 15 mins eliminates ailments of lungs, cardiac, digestive circulatory and excretory system. People who have practised it regularly have regained their lost health and vigour.
Back in 2015 I started performing yoga as a form of exercise but little did I know that it will help me heal from my ailments in a miraculous way. It was in the year 2018, when I was diagnosed with alopecia, kidney stones and fatty liver along with PCOS and with the grace of my guru Prabhu Ram Lal ji, I was enlightened on the true benefits of yoga after which I was trained to professionally teach ashtanga yoga form. I got initiated at the Yog Divya Mandir Ashram into a powerful Jeewan Tatva Yog sadhna founded by my guru, under the guidance of a disciple of the enlightened Master Swami Devi Dayal ji and I have been practicing and teaching this life changing sadhna ever since then so that its benefits can reach out to the world.